Monday 1 July 2013

Animal Testing: A virtual hell to animals.

Animal Testing: A torture for animals?

Well basically, we use our intelligence to satisfy our needs and wants, but don't you think that animals have right to live in spite of its low intelligence. We use animals (or to be precise to 'harm') them for food, entertainment and labs where in many cases they are being mistreated. Well today I will focus on the vices of the animal testing.
In the present scenario, animals are been mistreated in labs and research practices  from dissecting animals (which is at student levels) to draize test ( which is a test conducted on rabbits, to check whether the cosmetics really affects the eyes, animals are killed or mutilated for the basis of research work. Even though most of the animals meant for the dissection are drugged, before being dissected, don't you think that animals have right to live? To rip their bodies just to check whether how their hearts and lungs work, we really don't have right to take life of an innocent creature which didn't do any harm to us. Well our law must ban all the live dissection and must promote the virtual dissection. That saves lots of animals from being killed. Of course it will be more expensive to set up all the necessary things, but
the government can give subsidies to such soft wares so that everyone can really afford it.
Well nowadays most of us are really worried about our looks, but are we really worried about those animals whose life have been snatched due to such testings? One of such is draize test. Well a certain composition of the chemical will be applied near the eyes of the rabbits and then they wait for their results. If their eyes become red and swollen, then the chemical composition would be declared as not safe and they would kill these suffering animals. Those rabbits whose had already passed the teat will be once again be retested until it dies! Imagine if we are in the place of those rabbits, our eyes would be burning with pain and we would we virtually yelling as the chemical would be left unwashed for hours to come! Imagine in real life that our eyes are burning when it comes while having contact with soap. Can you really bear the pain? And that to for many hours.. Well there are many tests like this one which can cause harm to animals
 Well you can put stop to this all. Why should animals suffer for our needs? They don't need cosmetics, do they? So why should they suffer for us? Also we might think animal testing as a causal thing and we sort of take it in a care free way. But we must remember that because for the demand for more cosmetics animals are subjected to this cruel treatment. They can't express their pains and sorrows against the animal testing and it is up to us to save those innocent souls.

Buy products which don’t use animal testing. You can really save those poor souls, by doing such small things. Those products may cost you a lot, but you must give a clear message to the cosmetic industries that we don't tolerate animal testing.

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